"When I was one, I had just begun.
When I was two, I was nearly new.
When I was three, I was barely me.
When I was four, I was not much more.
When I was five, I was just alive.
But now I am six, I'm as clever as clever, so I think I'll be six now for ever and ever."
~~AA Milne, Now We Are Six
Oh please, dear one, please, just stay six. I can't take this growing up thing you kids insist on doing. And yet, my heart bursts, BURSTS with pride as I see the young, stylish, smart little lady you are becoming. Every time we saw your teacher during the last few months of school, she gushed at how much you'd grown during the year. Well you don't have to tell me twice.
A year ago, we had a little girl who recognized SOME of her letters, now you READ!!! A year ago, you counted to 16, but left out 14 (who needs 14, right?). It was an insistent stubborn leaving out of 14, I know this, but now you gracefully count to 100 and beyond. A year ago I was buckling you into a carseat. Now I don't even need to open the door for you. Now you clean up your room and make your bed, collect an allowance, do homework. My goodness, did I do something right with this kid or what??? No, it's not me sweetie pie, it's all you. You are and always have been the maker of your own destiny. You were the sweet baby who slept through the night at 6 weeks old. You were the darling toddler who could work the room at a party full of adults. You were the adorable preschooler who picked out your own matching outfits without help AND added your own sense of stylish flair. As a kindergartner, you were the little girl who spontaneously, without prompting, wanted to give your tooth fairy money to "the poor people". You are the child who every teacher loves. You warm hearts with your charm, your smile, your laugh, your flirtatious teasing and most of all your sweetness. I didn't have a darned thing to do with it, I am just the lucky one who gets to enjoy it.
And don't worry, I know you have a devilish, mischievious side to you, but I see strength. You don't get pushed around, you go after what you want, you are stubborn, you are mighty and yet, you are all sweetness and love. I am amazed at the complexity of thought that you have these days. You ask me a question and I start to explain it in those simple kid terms I've gotten so good at. But you aren't satisfied. You now know enough about the fourth of july to be able to tell people about the Boston Tea Party.
What can I say lillibet? You are one awesome kid and you continue to amaze and thrill me with every passing year. I can't wait to see what the next year brings. I love you little one.
And this is what I wrote for Ian when he turned 3 back in April:

Today as he screamingly careened into my waiting arms, I swooped him up in my lap and cradled him like a baby. He quickly wriggled away crying, "I skeered mommy, come" and grabbed my hand with his little hand pulling me away from my conversation. What was he scared of? I can't say, but my very presence was enough to make the scary stuff okay. That's powerful stuff.
He is frustrating beyond belief. I have cried tears over how to make this kid go to bed, eat a vegetable, wear striped pajamas (did you know that they're not pjs if they don't have rocket ships??? This was new to me too), stay in time-out, sit still for a haircut, stay near me in a store, not scream, be quiet in church, not throw things, and on and on. He has a mind of his own and it's heartening to know that he's not in any danger of being wishy-washy. But he also has a smile that lights up a room, a fantastically goofy, happy-feet dance, a kick-ass sense of humor, an infectious obsession for trains (yes, I find myself getting excited at train crossings too anymore) and best of all, the sweetest, most cuddliest hugs and kisses on earth. Recently I heard the spontanueous utterance of "I wuv you mommy" with little arms wrapped around my neck and a soft one planted on my cheek.
I feel like my days as the center of his universe are numbered. I'm already jealous of my future daughter in law and I know it's only a matter of time before he's embarrassed to kiss me in public.
Happy Birthday to my little guy - Mr. Bean, Ian Bein', Ion - the positively charged kid.
They love each other desperately:
They love each other desperately:

I love them desperately!
1 comment:
Eileen - your kids are gorgeous!!! Just beautiful! Welcome to blogging - it's a trip!
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